Ela Weissberger, survivor of Terezin, and Mary Ann Joyce (photo: Nancy Petschek-Kohn)
Mary Ann Joyce-and Jennifer Castellano
Congratulations on an extraordinarily moving work! Thank you so much for sending the score of the Cantata. It is almost unbearably moving and it is hard to describe the impact of the piece.
– JoAnn Falletta, Conductor
The vocal writing is particularly expressive and captivating. …An important contribution to the body of vocal/instrumental literature.
– Dr. Anthony LaMagra, Director of Music, Manhattanville College
…not only is your work superb, but you have rendered a great humanitarian service by illuminating this sad piece of history.
– Harvey Rachlin, Author and Professor
My wife and I were simply overwhelmed by the size and intensity of it all (the Cantata). We felt pulled into its musical reality at once and it held us all the way through. This is a MAJOR accomplishment.
– Dr. Robert Wykes, composer and Oscar winner
…. the inclusion of poetry and music that show the children finding happiness….was an excellent, intelligent choice….I’m glad to have heard it, and I can recommend it.
– American Record Guide (Stephen Estep)
Aceldama is strong and poignant, and the performance here is expressive and sensitive without carrying the heart on the sleeve. The pacing is just right, and the solo flautist is very sensitive and has a beautiful tone.
– MusicWeb-International
The music is beautiful and profound. …(the composer) provides us with the window through which the human spirit can take flight from the darkness. …Cantata for the Children of Terezin and Aceldama, are masterfully composed, hauntingly beautiful and powerfully transcendent.
– Rain Worthington, Composer
(Mary Ann Joyce) is indeed an honest and open composer that says what she thinks and what she needs to say. Beauty, joy, hope and fear are some adjectives present through this entire masterwork.
– Anthony Ocana, Guitarist